Nothing gets my blood boiling more than womanizers! Those sexist pieces of crap! At Dunkin' Donuts I am constantly being treated like I was born with mental retardation. "Do you need me to repeat it again sweetheart??" No. I don't need you to repeat it again. It was a medium regular.
"You sure??" YES. I am POSITIVE. Now stop smirking at me and quit trying to check out my ass while I put your donuts in a bag. And bitch, there is NO need to count the change I JUST handed back to you because I am a college student who has taken math for a number of years. I think I can handle simple arithmetic/counting. I get so aggravated. Most of them proceed to compliment my appearance, "Wow Samantha. You're gorgeous." I mean, thank you. I appreciate your kindness but you just treated me like a child. If you think I'm going to swoon over you and then give you my number, think again. Some guys go even further and I am left amazed at how much nerve they have. I've had a guy comment on my undergarments. "Nice thong!" First of all...I don't wear thongs but that isn't even the point. You're married and have kids and you're at least 15+ years older than me AND this is Dunkin' Donuts. If I wanted to get sexually harassed on a daily basis I would have applied to a strip club ages ago. No respect...just NO respect. Don't worry boys. You'll get yours. Next time, I won't be Miss. Nice Nice. :)
Does your manager say anything about your sexual harassment?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you shouldn't have to serve idiots like that. If someone harasses you, you should be within your working rights to say "yeah no you're a pig, fuck off and die". Spilling coffee on a customer is also an option. You shouldn't have to put up with that shit.
If not, then you can take secret revenge. Put cleaning products in people's coffees. OR like...keep donuts from weeks ago and crumb them into coffees or coolattas. YUMMY.
My boss is totally on my side. She was actually enraged when I told her what that pervert said to me. But it's hard for me to speak up sometimes esp. when I'm shocked at what I just heard, you know??? When I get uncomfortable I laugh and run away and then feel bad. But yeah...I need to stop being passive.