Looking at photographs of whales or watching video of a shark swimming in the water makes me shiver. I get incredibly uncomfortable at the sight of either of those two creatures. My fear of sharks is much more plausible than my fear of whales. Ever since I can remember I've hated whales. I seriously get so afraid when I see photographs of them or when I hear whale songs. It's so fucking eerie. The fact that creatures the size of buses+++ exist in this world makes me throw up. This is the reason why I dislike being in the water at the beach and I HATE being near water at night. I always imagine a giant whale eye looking up at me from beneath the surface of the water. Guys, I am so freaked out by this post right now. One day my friend Josh and I went to the beach at night just to hang out in the park area and he tried getting me to sit near the water and I almost ran away. Not being able to see into the water is so scary. You never know what lurks in the water! A bunch of fucked up sea creatures are existing down in the depths waiting to attack. The scariest of all whales is the Sperm Whale. Holy shit. My fear of this whale started after seeing the Disney cartoon Pinocchio. The whale that swallows him is horrid. Everything thing about it. Whale watching would kill me. KILL ME. The fact people do that for fun disgusts me. Why would anyone sit in a boat above a bunch of whales? If I was ever in open water amongst whales/any sea creature I would drown myself. That would be my gut instinct. I would be terrified. You know that scene in Free Willy where Willy is slamming himself up against the glass in his tank? That scene makes me cringe in fear. I almost pee myself every time.
I don't understand why I am so afraid but I am.
Sharks are just scary in general. I think most people are afraid of them. They're so gross. UGH.
So many people greet my phobia with, "But sea creatures are SO majestic!!!!! They're mysterious and beautiful!" WHAT?!
I don't know what is worse: Whales or the KKK? The line is blurred.
Omg. Now I keep imagining myself swimming in open water. ,SDKFJHASKDFHSLDJFHLASKDFSDF. Fuck that.
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