Both men and women can judge one another based on appearances BUT I've experienced this mostly by men. I become extremely enraged when a man second guesses my abilities as a worker, student, or whatever just because I dress a certain way or look a certain way. "Just another pretty face." So you can't look good and have a brain too? Don't fucking talk down to me because I will rip your throat out. I was told today that I wouldn't get hit on as much if I didn't wear form fitting pants as part of my uniform. So I have to wear baggy pants and make myself feel uncomfortable to try and avoid being harassed? Placing the blame on the woman is a common tactic used by men in positions of power or just men in general to make women feel even LESS in control, to feel guilty. "It's my fault I get harassed!!!" I'm sorry but I WILL NOT make alterations to my appearance just because some men can't keep in it their pants. You know? I make myself up in the morning because I just enjoy it! I'm not an object that you can play with. Little do you know-I could probably end you. Go home and jack off to porn or find a girlfriend who will put up with your shit. They're rare so good luck searching.
On a sort of related note: Today one of my male co-workers said to Alex (a female co-worker of mine) and I that he thinks that he is smarter than both of us combined. I snapped. When someone questions my intelligence based on superficial shit, I seriously turn into a beast. I don't know if he realizes this or not but he has a way of making me feel like a complete child. "Can you handle that?", "You okay over here?" Little comments like that irk me and today I finally let loose and told him how I felt about the situation (more like yelled it). I lost my cool. First of all, he is two years younger than me. Just graduated high school. SO I won't call him a man but instead a BOY. How dare he insult me and think I wasn't going to defend myself. I'm not completely sure if he was making a judgment based completely on my appearance BUT I do know THIS:
I'm goofy. I can come off as being "out there". I like to have fun and I let my guard down a lot. I don't feel the need to constantly be Miss Scholar 24/7 because who the fuck wants to do that? It's exhausting. I made a lion puppet out of a paper bag and a coffee filter because I was bored. I do that because...I JUST DO. Just because I'm a little "weird" doesn't mean I only have half of a brain. SO THIS plus the fact I take pride in my appearance gave this boy the impression that I'm a nitwit, a ditz. Gave him the impression that he can just treat me like I'm not capable of doing simple tasks. I told him I could run circles around him and he said, "You better start running." And what made me lose my cool even more was that he smiled and just laughed at me. He wasn't taking me seriously AT ALL. "Looks like I found your button." I'm glad I told him how I felt. I hardly ever stick up for myself and it felt damn good. Now he knows I will fucking rip his hair out next time he puts me down. Maybe he's just a lost cause. Maybe he's just insecure. But listen SWEETHEART, I'm more than just a pretty face and you better watch your ass while you're around me. Just sayin.
I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UGH. There are few things I hate more than that "she was askin' for it!" mentality. Does he really expect you to go to work not having showered for days with a mustache and baggy pants on? If men really can't ~*~control~*~ themselves when in contact with a put-together, attractive clerk at a fucking DUNKIN' DONUTS without making a creepy sexual advance then that's their problem, not yours! I love how he puts all the responsibility on you. What a piece of shit.