Disclaimer: I don't tuck my shirt into my pants like the girl does in the photograph nor do I smile that intensely at customers.
When people order food at the speaker and then wait until I'm done ringing them out to ask for MORE food, a part of me dies inside. Most people don't know this but we're on a timer. Yes. A TIMER (I hate it) so we get anxious when it starts to beep at us. But anyway, most people who order at the window act like it's my fault that I didn't know that they wanted a flatbread, for example. "I want a flatbread too :| [sighs]". Okay calm down people. I can't read your freakin' mind!!!! So the combination of the timer going off and my aggravation makes my mind explode. OH OH I FORGOT TO ADD THIS: there are usually other people waiting behind this person...just a line of people. Then when you ask the customer to pull up to the back door so we can hand them their food, they get ANGRY. Seriously? It's not the end of the world but SO many people act like it is. They thrive on Dunkin' Donuts. Without it their heart would stop beating.
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