"I'd like, uh, a medium hot coffee, two Splenda and cream. Also, a bacon, egg and cheese on a croissant and an order of hash browns for.99 cents PLEASE." Then her friend orders,
"I'll have an ICED coffee, coconut, THREE Splenda and MILK...DECAF. I'll have the same sandwich only on a wheat bagel." I repeat everything back to them and they confirm their order and off I go to make their shit. Mind you, I'm responsible for counter at this point so I have to make everything myself WHICH isn't a big deal because it was the afternoon and we weren't busy. I make the coffees, then I start the sandwiches and hashbrowns. We only have two ovens so obviously it's going to take a few minutes. All of a sudden I hear my co-slave, Amanda, talking and she says, 'Sam! You have counter, right?" I nod my head as I'm wrapping their sandwiches and then Amanda comes over to me and tells me that those two women were bitching about my service and they kept asking where their coffees were. The fatter of the two says, "FIGURES. It's DUNKIN' DONUTS. When will I EVER get my coffee on time!"
WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY EXPECT?!? I'm not some wizard. PLUS-they planned to sit inside and eat, so what's the rush???? So I bring them their food and coffee and one of them glances at their watch and says, "[aside] Wow. That took...[mumbles an inaccurate amount of minutes]"...right...in...front...of...me.
I'm telling you right now. DO NOT disrespect the people who are dealing with your food. ALSO, have some respect for the people who are getting paid SHIT to serve you. I am ONE person and they knew that.
I walk back to the drive thru area and a couple of minutes later one of the women walks up to the gate and exclaims, "WHERE'S MY OTHER HASH BROWN????" And I tell her, "You didn't order a second order of hashbrowns. I didn't charge you for them." And she goes, "Didn't my friend say she wanted the SAME THING as me?????" At this point I want to slam their heads into the oven and watch them burn.
Are you seriously that impatient??? Firstly, neither of them should have been eating those hashbrowns. Secondly, they can fuck off. My co-workers were telling me that they are regulars and every time they come in they complain. Whyyyyy do they come in then!??!? MAKE YOUR OWN FOOD at home. You'd be doing EVERY ONE a favor. Fucking pricks. And of course part of my job description is to just smile and agree but deep down I want to explode.
Things like that always happen at DD. It's like the customers depend on DD and without it their bodies would just disintegrate into a pile of nothingness.
Ahh I hate impatient people too, those women were soo rude! I was taking two women's order the other day, and one of the women started insulting me in spanish, thinking I couldn't understand her. ouchh! awk bc I speak spanish!