I had forgotten what mornings felt like.
What the hell are they for? At noon, when the sun is at its brightest, the coffee tastes that much better, the people are that much nicer, and real work actually begins. What's with the foreplay? Why do we insist on dragging the working class to work at 8 or 9am, only to have them sit at an office, and dully, inefficiently, sluggishly pound away at a keyboard without any recognition of what they are actually supposed to be doing.
I've heard the myth about "morning people", and people will use this excuse for why the work day starts so early, but has anyone actually met a morning person? Do people actually get up in the morning, stretch their arms above their heads, and scream "Activity!". I don't believe such a person exists, and no amount of Saturday morning cartoon depictions can successfully drill this into our youth.
How about we stop with the delusion that morning is useful for anyone below the age of 60, cancel breakfast indefinitely, have a law that people are not to be seen outside of their homes at 10am (a form of martial law I WOULD support), and we can all go on with our lives. Deal?
I hate them!
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