Nothing hurts me more than driving and witnessing an asshole on a motorcycle try to SHOW OFF by revving their engine and speeding in front of moving vehicles. Do you ACTUALLY think any of us drivers are impressed? WE AREN'T. All we see is a complete douche bag with a death wish acting like an idiot. You NEVER wear a helmet. Why? Are you afraid people will judge you and call you "gay" (Hillary Duff, don't stick your two senses into this blog post)? AND not only are you putting yourself in danger but you are also scaring the SHIT out of me because if I fucking HIT YOU, I'll be SCREWED. And when you're sprawled out on the pavement, I hope your entire body hurts and I hope the angels that are coming to take your soul, call you "gay" and then torment you like your classmates in high school did. I know, I know. The locker room sucked for you because you had and still have a small penis. Don't over compensate by buying a bright red motorcycle and putting everyones' lives in danger. And just another thing-your wife beater billowing in the wind is so dumb. I hate looking at it.
So my advice? Wear a helmet. Your head will thank you. Stop wearing tank tops and cargo pants. Wear some leather like the guy in the photo above. It'll help your skin when you're sliding on the pavement after a failed Poppa Wheelie. Okay? Thanks.
Didn't they read "Mick Harte Was Here" in Elementary School???