The first thing I'm looking for on any given syllabus the first day of class is if there's gonna be a group project. I SCAN the page like a fucking robot programmed to look for the words "group+project" and when I find it... nothing makes sense anymore. I have a small crisis right there at my desk. Inside my head I'm cursing the Professor's very existence. I guess the only thing I can compare scanning the syllabus like this to is when you're waiting for your online bank account to load. There's that same overwhelming sense of dread. NOT finding a group project in there is a small victory; much like finding out you have more than $0 in your checking. So what I'm trying to say is, the monetary value of a group project is $0. Plus a $30 overdraft fee because you just HAD to get that coffee coollatta and didn't give a fuck at the time but now it's like FUCK that shitty drink cost me $30???????? IT WASN'T EVEN THAT GOOD
Let me take this to da next level: anything is preferable to a group project to me. ANYTHING. 100 question cumulative final exam? Sounds fair, count me in! 15-page term paper? Awesome, I'm totally game! Group project? NO. This is NEVER OK! It could be a class titled "working 2-gether 101" and a group project would still piss me off. I'm like an animal who tried to eat a rabbit, but it turns out that rabbit was decaying and that shit made me throw up for like 9 hours. Okay? Go with me here. So now I HATE rabbits. I don't wanna ever try to eat a fucking rabbit again. Why would I? That one rabbit made me throw up for 9 HOURS. Well every time I'm assigned a group project it's my stupid ass doing someone else's part plus my own, squinting at the computer screen for days, wondering if throwing myself off a bridge is too dramatic, etc. So it doesn't really matter if in the future I'm blessed with a hard-working group (lol @ the very thought) because I'm always gonna expect the 9 hours of throwing up. I DON'T WANT TO DO ANY MORE GROUP PROJECTS OKAY???
More absolute bullshit: I've been in groups with people who are ACTUALLY stupid. I'm talking undeniably, unequivocally, stupid. They don't understand this world at all. They're on a beautiful cloud while you and I are stuck on the horrible Earth. They get 70's on tests and feel a sense of pride. "At least I passed!" they say. "These credits will be transferable because I got above a D!" they CRY. Am I gonna get extra points for dealing with them? No. Am I gonna get extra points for ~guiding them, ~teaching them to spread their wingz and fly, ~writing their entire section over because what they did was FUCKING STUPID? NO. No! Being in a group project is a thankless fucking job. Also, I don't have time for this. I have other classes. Meeting awkwardly with people who don't do work to the same standards as mine is a waste of time.
This post is brought to you by the group project I have due tomorrow at 9:30 AM
im so not a fan of group projects