I just had the worst nightmare of my life, seriously. I think it was a combination of mouthwashing for too long and sleeping on the couch. Either way, I'm afraid to go to sleep again.
This nightmare was FAR worse than anything I said in my previous dreams post. Of all the torturous things my dreams have shown me, I feel as if my mind has outdone itself in its usual dickheadedness.
So the dream begins with my friend Paula Tran, my Sister Jian and I in New York deciding to see Next to Normal (aka one of my favorite Musicals in all of my lifetimes). For some reason, the fact that this theatre was surrounded by cheap diners, a McDonalds and a tire shop weren't red flags for me. We get in line for tickets and amazingly get them really cheap and at no trouble (usually this process would involve lining up at 3 or 4am in the morning outside the Booth Theatre for the $25 Rush tickets). We get tickets for the 4pm performance (which doesn't exist) and have time to kill. As we walk out of the theatre the management stares at us, and I'm not entirely sure why.
We go to get food, but because I can't decide where to eat, we don't end up actually eating. I check my watch, and it says 5pm (it's one hour fast for some reason) so we rush back into the theatre and I hear the piano intro to Next to Normal and get excited that I'm seeing it again.
On finding our seats, I look towards the stage and see a large screen instead of the beautiful blue 3-storey set. I see what kinda looks like Alice Ripley in her red suit thing, but on closer inspection it's actually a heavily concealed Calista Flockhart. I'm extremely sad at this point. The Award-Winning Broadway musical seems to have been converted into an extended Toyota ad set in Colonial times and starring, in addition to Calista as Diana, John Lithgow as a wacky version of Dan. One need not be familiar with the musical to know how disastrous and disappointing a film-musical remake/adaptation set in colonial times starring Calista Flockhart and John Lithgow would be.

The musical/film/adaptation/whatever was so terrible,in fact, that my sister walked out complaining about a migrane (extremely sweaty might I add) and Ptran walked out shortly after, answering a non-existent phone call and NEVER RETURNING.
This experiencing has been so damaging that I feel I can no longer watch anything with John Lithgow or Calista Flockhart again. Neither can I listen to the Next to Normal soundtrack without double checking the artist column in iTunes. Finally, I feel as if I can never return to the plantations in Plymouth, MA just in case the insanely in-character colonial-folk burst into avant-garde colonialized versions off what used to be songs from a modern, broken-home, dramatic broadway musical.
Needless to say, I HATED IT!