Alright. Why would ANYONE ever want the 80's to come back?? I watch/read a lot of style vlogs and blogs and so many people are filled with this insane glee when they purchase something they THINK was in style in the 1980's.
Baggy sweatshirts with Mickey Mouse printed on them. I actually heard a girl say she wanted one and that she would search every thrift store until she found one. You were born in the late 1980's therefore, you have no idea how much torment a teen during the 80's suffered whilst wearing one of those sweatshirts. It may be cool to you now but if you were 14 in 1983 walking around the halls of your high school getting records of Billy Joel's hit single, "Uptown Girl" thrown at you...HA, you would think a little differently wouldn't you?
p.s. look at how miserable that person looks in that photo. Really gaze into her/his eyes.
I just can't stand it. They call clothes from the 80's 'vintage'. It's NOT vintage. It's SHIT. There I said it. You're not cooler if you buy a pair of gel sandals and a B.U.M. sweatshirt and wear them with your favorite pair of tights and a fedora. I have a photograph of me from the first grade and in it I'm wearing a B.U.M. sweatshirt and holding a stuffed animal Huskey. Whenever I look at that photograph I now understand why that kid Tyler said he wanted to smash a pair of soccer cleats into my face. I understand! It HAD to be the 80's style clothing my parents made me wear.
I don't know why it annoys me. Do people think they're fasionistas because they wear that crap?
I doubt they even like it. They just buy it to make a statement. What kind of statement are you making? "Oh look every body! I'm a douchebag!" Down below is an example of what modern clothing stores are putting on their shelves. I don't understand. How is that attractive? OH WAIT, I know! Because the 80's are coming back!!!!!

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