Nasty, right? I hate them more than Hitler (an obvious exaggeration). They never leave me ALONE. They're everywhere. Tiny little flies that try to attack me. And okay, my house is CLEAN but those little piecew-9gldshglakfgadfg...OMG ONE JUST FLEW INTO MY FACE. It was SO angry! Guys-can they read?!? I think they can!
Fly: You writin' about me bitch?!
Sigh. Last night I was lying down in bed watching HSN and I killed about 4 or 5 of them that were flying into my TV screen. The worst is when you have to find disposable killing devices.
"My shoe?? No, no, I have to wear that tomorrow. Uhhhh, how about this...[picks it up] this is an important document...FUUUU----". I never have tissue lying around so I have to use things I don't really want to dirty with fly blood but I..I... just haaaavvvve to...you know? I just hate them. They're perverts. They get too close and personal. They keep coming too! Where do they come from!? They travel in troops.
p.s. I just killed another one.