Arrogant mother fucking ASS-HATS. WE ALL know one OR multiple. They walk amongst us and make us miserable with their fucking dumb as hell know-it-all attitudes. The thing is: They don't know ANYTHING! They convince people that what they say is actually legitimate and intellectual and most of the time people BUY THEIR BULLSHIT. THEY BUY IT like the bullshit is precious merchandise: "Yes. Yes. Good point." Have you ever been in a room with someone who purposely puts on this air of professionalism and superiority to impress people when deep down YOU know that their brain is a pile of nothingness? Just an abyss? A BLACK HOLE? And you end up sitting there and LISTENING to this person go on and on trying to debunk scientific facts or historical events i.e. "Guys, listen. I've done my research and I'm almost positive that, logically, because I'm majoring in logistics, that there is no such thing as 'infinity'. [Leans back and smirks]." And there's always those two or three people who sit there, listen INTENTLY and then try to engage in a deep, meaningful conversation with them. Within MINUTES the air in the room is polluted with stupidity. Usually these people comment on politics or other worldly issues but never know ANYTHING about them. THAT has to be the worst offense. I've never interjected with a comment BEGGING them to stop because usually I have walked out of the room BUT I WISH I had.
Not only do these ass-hats start insubstantial conversations in private i.e. their living rooms but they take their pseudo-intellectual attitude with them into EVERY DAY life. They act this way at lunch, in class, at parties etc. It simply never ends. They'll comment on what you're eating, on what you're wearing. EVERYTHING. THEN they translate their idiocy into TEXT. You'll read Facebook statuses, for example, that make you question reality-"Am I living in a dream? [Grasps totem and weeps]." Examples of what I speak of:
"Read 'The Iliad' while simultaneously working out on my Bow Flex. SUPER exhausted. How will I ever make it to my 9-5 job on time?"
OR the sarcastic/humorous Facebook statuses that they've MASTERED because sarcasm is the best way to disguise ignorance:
"Racism? It obviously doesn't exist! I mean, we have a black president and mexicans are EVERYWHERE! Press 2 for SPANGLISH, PEOPLE." (I couldn't think of a good example but fuck it. You get it!)
And let me just comment on the 'sarcasm' thing: Everyone uses sarcasm because it can come in handy AND it can be funny! HOWEVER, ass-hats use it 24/7. You can never have a normal conversation with them because they're constantly crackin' jokes. I don't know why. Maybe it boosts their ego to be the "funny, smart guy/girl"? But usually they aren't really funny nor are they smart.
OH and let me comment on how so many of these folks think they're incredibly attractive and have to comment on it all of time, usually sarcastically but whatever-"Guysssss, don't hate me because I'm so good looking!" And then he/she strolls about campus thinking that men/women want to sex them up. No. No. No.
Just stop. I mean, I can't stop you from being 'you' but try not to involve everyone that exists around you in your foolishness. It just aggravates us. Although you have a small following of admirers, 85% of the people around you see through the facade you've created for yourself. We know that you're probably sad inside, which is unfortunate because although I'm a bitch, I don't want people to be secretly depressed, ya know? My heart ain't stone. And if this ass-hat attitude ISN'T a facade and you actually ARE a narcissistic person, I feel bad for you.
IN CONCLUSION, stop being an ass-hat. Okay, douchebag?