Tuesday, August 17, 2010

#974-Douche-Ass Motorcyclists

Nothing hurts me more than driving and witnessing an asshole on a motorcycle try to SHOW OFF by revving their engine and speeding in front of moving vehicles. Do you ACTUALLY think any of us drivers are impressed? WE AREN'T. All we see is a complete douche bag with a death wish acting like an idiot. You NEVER wear a helmet. Why? Are you afraid people will judge you and call you "gay" (Hillary Duff, don't stick your two senses into this blog post)? AND not only are you putting yourself in danger but you are also scaring the SHIT out of me because if I fucking HIT YOU, I'll be SCREWED. And when you're sprawled out on the pavement, I hope your entire body hurts and I hope the angels that are coming to take your soul, call you "gay" and then torment you like your classmates in high school did. I know, I know. The locker room sucked for you because you had and still have a small penis. Don't over compensate by buying a bright red motorcycle and putting everyones' lives in danger. And just another thing-your wife beater billowing in the wind is so dumb. I hate looking at it.

So my advice? Wear a helmet. Your head will thank you. Stop wearing tank tops and cargo pants. Wear some leather like the guy in the photo above. It'll help your skin when you're sliding on the pavement after a failed Poppa Wheelie. Okay? Thanks.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

#975 Slowed-down Acoustic Covers of Dance or Pop Singles

The slowed-down acoustic cover of a dance or pop song is performed most frequently by a white girl with an acoustic guitar, but they can also be achieved with the help of a friend-who-plays acoustic guitar, or a with a portable Casio keyboard. These started popping up more and more after the release of Rihanna's single "Umbrella" which every white person with an acoustic guitar decided to record themselves covering in the summer of 2007. Even Mandy Moore (from 'A Walk to Remember'? Sang that one song 'Candy'? No?) got a piece of that action. There's a certain kind of person out there that likes dance or pop singles but feel they're too fast, too catchy, too enjoyable at their current tempo, and have the intense urge to slow them down. What they don't realize is that dance songs have INCREDIBLY shitty lyrics 98% of the time. That's why they're put to fast music-- it distracts the listener. Sometimes I'll be singing along to something and not even register what the fuck I'm saying. That's the beauty of pop music! At work sometimes I'll catch myself actually mouthing the words "honey got some boobies like wow-oh-wow" -- would I do the same if the song was acoustic and slowed down? Hell the fuck no. There's just some words that shouldn't be put to acoustic guitar.
Nowadays you can search for literally any dance and/or pop single on YouTube and find a slowed-down version. To test this theory, I tried to to think of a current song with the worst possible lyrics to hear slowed down. Answer: RUDE BOY by Rihanna.
Check it the fuck out:
Can she sing pretty well? Yes. Can he play guitar pretty well? Yes. But I didn't enjoy this at all because THOSE HIDEOUS LYRICS become 900x more hideous when I'm allowed to pay attention to them without being distracted by up-tempo background music. WHY???

Another PRIME example:


Thursday, August 5, 2010

#976 People Who Scream "Sing" in Choir Settings

We all know you LOVE to sing but we're in a CHORUS, a CHOIR. Definition: An organized company of singers. You are not the lead singer in your own band. When you SCREAM "sing" it hurts everyone around you. I don't care if you're mother fucking ELAINE PAGE who has the voice of an ANGEL. Lower the volume! If you want to hear yourself sing, get the heck out of the chorus. All you're doing is straining your body and making it harder for everyone around you to sing. AND screaming the lyrics makes ALL OF THOSE around you sound like pure crap. It ruins the sound of the chorus. Everything is supposed to sound uniform but you constantly and WITHOUT fail mess it up! So next time, please, stop. Okay?


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

#977-Fake Laughing in Order To Preserve Friendship

No one can REALLY force you to do anything you don't want to do BUT everyone has felt obligated to fake laugh at one point or another. I usually fake laugh to make people feel better about themselves or to fill awkward silences. There is NOTHING worse than witnessing someone crack a joke, it NOT being the least bit funny and then NO ONE laughing. It hurts me to witness this! Oh and it's ESPECIALLY worse when the joke-cracker is doing stand-up or is in a comedy group! They continually humiliate themselves in front of crowds and it's just.....GAWD. It legitimately hurts PHYSICALLY to fake laugh. Ever notice? Your face muscles have to work EXTRA hard to pull this fake laughter off. It's draining. I think I've fake laughed over 1,000,000 times in my life. I think I fake laugh at LEAST once every day. I'm not claiming to be this EXPERT on what is humorous BUT when you don't feel like laughing you just DON'T feel like laughing! Something goes off in your brain when something tickles your funny bone. Maybe my funny bone is defective?
I've been to comedy shows where the room ERUPTS into laughter at the most unfunny things. I look around the room thinking, "Really? What am I missing?" I am then CONVINCED that 85% of the people around me are fake laughing out of compassion and pity. They HAVE to be! OR AGAIN, I'm an idiot and don't "GET" comedy. Sorry, but I don't think someone screaming, "poop" at the top of their lungs is funny. Why do you? Okay, we're ALL different so MAYBE something INSIDE of you (is it genetic?) makes you THINK that certain things are funny. Who the FUCK KNOWS.

BACK to the point: Fake laughter hurts. I'm going to get fake-laugh lines on my face and be pissed for years. And ALTHOUGH fake laughter can make people FEEL GOOD, don't you think we're causing permanent damage? This person or these people are going to stroll around town thinking they're this accomplished comedian and it's ALL a lie. And if we STOPPED fake laughing altogether, maybe we wouldn't have to endure being around unfunny people? They would just STOP altogether?

Again, DISCLAIMER PEOPLE, I KNOW people have fake laughed at my jokes (everyone has been a victim of fake laughter) BUT I can detect the fake-ness. I have this "bullshit" radar. SO ONCE people have fake laughed at my jokes, I STOP. A lot of people have this radar.

Let's STOP fake laughing. Our faces will thank us and so will the unfunny people we fake laugh at.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

#978-"Progressive" Commercials

We get it. You're cute, helpful and cheery. Personally, I've had enough of you and your awkward shenanigans. Whenever you appear on my television screen, I die a little inside.

Sorry ~*gurl*~

I hate it!

#979 Mornings

I had forgotten what mornings felt like.

What the hell are they for? At noon, when the sun is at its brightest, the coffee tastes that much better, the people are that much nicer, and real work actually begins. What's with the foreplay? Why do we insist on dragging the working class to work at 8 or 9am, only to have them sit at an office, and dully, inefficiently, sluggishly pound away at a keyboard without any recognition of what they are actually supposed to be doing.

I've heard the myth about "morning people", and people will use this excuse for why the work day starts so early, but has anyone actually met a morning person? Do people actually get up in the morning, stretch their arms above their heads, and scream "Activity!". I don't believe such a person exists, and no amount of Saturday morning cartoon depictions can successfully drill this into our youth.

How about we stop with the delusion that morning is useful for anyone below the age of 60, cancel breakfast indefinitely, have a law that people are not to be seen outside of their homes at 10am (a form of martial law I WOULD support), and we can all go on with our lives. Deal?

I hate them!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

#980-Mattress Sheets

Dude. Mattress sheets/covers NEVER stay on. EVER. I am so sick of it. Every damn night mine slips off and I'm left sleeping on this plastic mattress cover I use to protect me from allergens that thrive in the actual mattress. AND I HATE putting them on! I can never get it JUST RIGHT. You have to lift the mattress, move it from side to side, sprawl your body out on the bed, stretch your arms etc. What next? A fucking algebra equation? GOD. DAMMIT. MATTRESS!!!!!

#981-Arrogant Ass-Hats

Arrogant mother fucking ASS-HATS. WE ALL know one OR multiple. They walk amongst us and make us miserable with their fucking dumb as hell know-it-all attitudes. The thing is: They don't know ANYTHING! They convince people that what they say is actually legitimate and intellectual and most of the time people BUY THEIR BULLSHIT. THEY BUY IT like the bullshit is precious merchandise: "Yes. Yes. Good point." Have you ever been in a room with someone who purposely puts on this air of professionalism and superiority to impress people when deep down YOU know that their brain is a pile of nothingness? Just an abyss? A BLACK HOLE? And you end up sitting there and LISTENING to this person go on and on trying to debunk scientific facts or historical events i.e. "Guys, listen. I've done my research and I'm almost positive that, logically, because I'm majoring in logistics, that there is no such thing as 'infinity'. [Leans back and smirks]." And there's always those two or three people who sit there, listen INTENTLY and then try to engage in a deep, meaningful conversation with them. Within MINUTES the air in the room is polluted with stupidity. Usually these people comment on politics or other worldly issues but never know ANYTHING about them. THAT has to be the worst offense. I've never interjected with a comment BEGGING them to stop because usually I have walked out of the room BUT I WISH I had.

Not only do these ass-hats start insubstantial conversations in private i.e. their living rooms but they take their pseudo-intellectual attitude with them into EVERY DAY life. They act this way at lunch, in class, at parties etc. It simply never ends. They'll comment on what you're eating, on what you're wearing. EVERYTHING. THEN they translate their idiocy into TEXT. You'll read Facebook statuses, for example, that make you question reality-"Am I living in a dream? [Grasps totem and weeps]." Examples of what I speak of:

"Read 'The Iliad' while simultaneously working out on my Bow Flex. SUPER exhausted. How will I ever make it to my 9-5 job on time?"

OR the sarcastic/humorous Facebook statuses that they've MASTERED because sarcasm is the best way to disguise ignorance:

"Racism? It obviously doesn't exist! I mean, we have a black president and mexicans are EVERYWHERE! Press 2 for SPANGLISH, PEOPLE." (I couldn't think of a good example but fuck it. You get it!)

And let me just comment on the 'sarcasm' thing: Everyone uses sarcasm because it can come in handy AND it can be funny! HOWEVER, ass-hats use it 24/7. You can never have a normal conversation with them because they're constantly crackin' jokes. I don't know why. Maybe it boosts their ego to be the "funny, smart guy/girl"? But usually they aren't really funny nor are they smart.
OH and let me comment on how so many of these folks think they're incredibly attractive and have to comment on it all of time, usually sarcastically but whatever-"Guysssss, don't hate me because I'm so good looking!" And then he/she strolls about campus thinking that men/women want to sex them up. No. No. No.
Just stop. I mean, I can't stop you from being 'you' but try not to involve everyone that exists around you in your foolishness. It just aggravates us. Although you have a small following of admirers, 85% of the people around you see through the facade you've created for yourself. We know that you're probably sad inside, which is unfortunate because although I'm a bitch, I don't want people to be secretly depressed, ya know? My heart ain't stone. And if this ass-hat attitude ISN'T a facade and you actually ARE a narcissistic person, I feel bad for you.
IN CONCLUSION, stop being an ass-hat. Okay, douchebag?